Tools (2) 썸네일형 리스트형 bluetooth keyboard dual boot on windows and ubuntu Bluetooth Keyboard on Dual Boot Windows and Ubuntu – Bust A TECH I’ve recently started to use Apple Wireless (bluetooth) keyboard and it is really a very great keyboard (more info here). I felt like I can type faster and more accurate using this keyboard. The only downside of this keyboard is the lack of dedicated Delet bustatech.. Beyond compare settings 가끔씩 Beyond Compare를 설치하게 되면 항상 Setting 을 변경하는데 시간을 좀 소요하는 듯 하다. 그래서 난 내가 자주 사용하는 설정을 이렇게 올려 놓는다. Copy to left : Ctrl + LeftCopy to right : Ctrl + Rightnext different file : Ctrl + Downprevious different file : Ctrl + Upcompare contents : Ctrl + RCopy to left : Ctrl + LeftCopy to right : Ctrl + Rightnext different section : Ctrl + Downprevious different section : Ctrl + Up 이전 1 다음