I was wondering which was faster. So I made a test code and tested.
static int nCDCreated = 0; static int nCDDestoryed = 0; static int nCDCopied = 0; class CD { public: CD() { ++nCDCreated; } virtual ~CD() { ++nCDDestoryed; } void operator = (const CD& src) { i = src.i; ++nCDCopied; } int i; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::map<int, std::string> tm; std::map<int, CD> tma; unsigned long long start; const int repeat = 50000; nCDCreated = 0; nCDDestoryed = 0; nCDCopied = 0; start = GetTickCount64(); int i = repeat; for (; i > 0; i--) { CD testCD; testCD.i = i; tma.insert(std::pair<int, CD>(i, testCD)); } printf("insert : con %d, dest %d copy %d, (%dms)\n", nCDCreated, nCDDestoryed, nCDCopied, GetTickCount64() - start); nCDCreated = 0; nCDDestoryed = 0; nCDCopied = 0; tma.clear(); start = GetTickCount64(); i = repeat; for (; i > 0; i--) { CD testCD; testCD.i = i; tma[i] = testCD; } printf("operator[] : con %d, dest %d copy %d, (%dms)\n", nCDCreated, nCDDestoryed, nCDCopied, GetTickCount64() - start); }
In debug mode, insert function is a little faster than operator[].
insert : con 50000, dest 100000 copy 0, (1125ms)
operator[] : con 100000, dest 100000 copy 50000, (1406ms)
But in release mode, insert function is almost 14 times faster than operator[].
insert : con 50000, dest 100000 copy 0, (47ms)
operator[] : con 100000, dest 100000 copy 50000, (672ms)
As the test results, using insert function is better than operator[].
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