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bluetooth keyboard dual boot on windows and ubuntu



Bluetooth Keyboard on Dual Boot Windows and Ubuntu – Bust A TECH

I’ve recently started to use Apple Wireless (bluetooth) keyboard and it is really a very great keyboard (more info here). I felt like I can type faster and more accurate using this keyboard. The only downside of this keyboard is the lack of dedicated Delet




우분투에서 블루투스 키보드를 페어링
윈도우로 부팅하여 블루투스 키보드를 페어링
Microsoft PSExec 다운로드 및 압축해제

윈도우에서 관리자모드로 터미널을 열어 psexec -s -i regedit 실행
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys\{SOME_KEY} 형식의 레지스트리로 이동하여 값을 내보내기 함, 확인해보면 value값이 16진수로 쉼표 포함하여 표기되어있음
우분투로 재부팅 하여 sudo gedit 이후 /var/lib/bluetooth/A0\:C5\:89\:13\:3E\:3F/04:69:F8:BA:47:B5/info 형식의 페어링된 info파일을 연다.
info파일에서 key 관련 탭에서 적힌 16진수 값을 위에서 얻어낸 값으로 대체
재부팅 하면 윈10/우분투 모두 정상적으로 키보드 동작

magic keyboard 
number only : fn + f6

'Tools > Etc' 카테고리의 다른 글

Beyond compare settings  (0) 2014.03.11